Cook a pizza inside the oven, while cooking other food on the Flat-Top Griddle.
The Bulletproof Pizza Oven will cook just about anything because it utilizes both the inside and the top. The most versatile, professional grade, portable oven available today.
The highest quality, best built oven on the market today.
The Bulletproof Pizza Oven is fully portable and can be used anywhere. Common uses are patios, backyards, campsites, tailgates, cookouts, parks, parties, and festivals.
Whether you're cooking fresh or frozen pizzas, pancakes, tacos or grilled cheese sandwiches, the propane powered, portable Bulletproof Pizza Oven is perfect for any patio, campsite or tailgate party. The 15"x15" Baking Deck and 15"x18" Griddle can be used at the same time! Cook pizza inside the oven on the deck and burgers on the flat-top griddle. Do you like crispy crust? No more raw dough with this oven. Alternate your Pizza between the Griddle and the Steel Baking Deck for a crispy crust. Seasoned Steel transfers and holds heat better than stone, heats up faster and it will never break! It's Bulletproof! The Best Outdoor, Propane Powered, Professional Grade Pizza Oven On The Planet for Your Patio, Backyard, Campsite or Tailgate Party.